The first thing we must take into account when we decide to keep a sword in proper conditions, it’s the fact of following some simple rules in order to complete this process correctly. Such as, blades should never be unprotected against high temperatures and humidity, blades should be touched as less as possible given that our hands’ sweat could spread some acides extremely harmful for steel. It could also be useful the fact of spreading grease over the blade.
We have at our disposal a huge variety of products designed to clean swords, sabres and katanas. For example, exclusive vaseline, maintenance oil, little boxes where we can find swords cleaning kits which contain a hammer made of metal (mekugi), vegetal oil (koji), rice paper (harai gami), a ball of non abrasive powder (uchiko) and a fabric specially conceived for maintenance (erufu). une toile dessinnée pour la maintenance (erufu).
We recommend to periodically (every six months) verify the proper conditions of our swords, in order to find traces of oxyde. To remove/eliminate traces of oxyde, we can use some methods, chemical, mechanical or even handmade. However, we must extreme precautions if we do not want to damage our swords; it means avoid not using proper tools or not following the specific rules.