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Lord of the Rings Swords

High Elf Sword Hobbit - Lord of the Rings Swords

Since its release, this epic fantasy novel hasn´t stopped growing the buzz around the Swords of the Lord of the Rings. The innovative design brings all the mythical fantasy that a record-breaking film requires, from all points of view. …

Celtic Swords

Celtic Short Sword - Celtic Swords

The Celtic people, one of the largest and most warlike people of Europe, came, according to some writings, from Asia and other area of Greece. The Celts loved the culture and because of defense issues they came to create …

Battle Ready Swords

Functional Falchion XIV century 1 - Battle Ready Swords

Battle ready swords are prepared for fighting, carbon steel blade, full tang and more resistant to melee. These are some of the features that must fulfill a training sword: one of the differences between a decorative and a battle …

Roman Armor

Espada Maximus película Gladiator con licencia - Roman Armor

ARMS AND ARMOUR ROMAN The origin of armor dating from the period when the Egyptian military garb consisted of a helmet and a breastplate made of strong cloth or leather covered largely with metal plates. The Roman warriors of …

Types of swords and sabers

ESPADA CESTA EMPUÑADURA - Types of swords and sabers

The word sword comes from the Latin spatha (which also served to denote the long straight sword Roman cavalry), and this in turn from Greek spathe. Etymologically, the name remains today Sword in the épée and French as Italian …

William Wallace’s Sword

Espada William Wallace cadete - William Wallace's  Sword

Willlian Wallace (1270-1305) was a well-known military scottish leader, though his origins were humble he achieved to lead scottish troops against King Edward the Ist of England also known as Edward Longshanks. After defeating Count of Surrey, who had …

Pirates of the Caribbean’ s Swords

Espada Capitan Pirata - Pirates of the Caribbean' s Swords

Pirates of the Caribbean is saga of movies inspired in the Disneyland’ s fairground ride, which also becam a saga of successful movies starred by Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Penélope Cruz, Orlando Bloom…among others. Piracy is joined to navigation, …

Catholic Kings Sword

Espada de Cristobal Colón en Oro - Catholic Kings Sword

This is one of the more spectacular swords (broadsword) in Spain History. With this weapon, both Fernando of Aragón and Isabel of Castilla (Catholic Kings) gave the title of knight to Christopher Colombus after he returned from his first …

Types of Sabres

Sable Kriegmesser both hands e1470754740309 - Types of Sabres

Sabre is curve sword and with only one edge. This blade´s curvature is its main difference with the sword. It provides a higher combat speed, because it cuts bt the blade doesn’t  remain into the enemy’s body. Sabre is …

How to remove rust from steel blades

Sword maintenance - How to remove rust from steel blades

Firstly, we must claim that every single blade must be cleaned by an expert, above all when it’s an antique and valuable piece. That’s why amateurs shouldn’t improvise doing this task. Sometimes a rusty sword is a positive aspect, …

Live Action Role-Playing Games (LARP)

ESPADA ROMANA LATEX - Live Action Role-Playing Games (LARP)

Live action role-playing games, also known as LARP  is a kind of free time activity where particpants represent several kind of characters with the help of items like clothings, or inoffensive copies of weapons. In contrast to traditional role games, …

Templar Swords

Espada templaria damasquinada - Templar Swords

Templar swords were not only used for attacking and defending, but also they became the loyal partner of every Templar Knight in their daily life. They had a handle with the shape of a cross and a right and …

Japanese swords for martial arts

Set Chokuto KatanaWakizashiTantoStand - Japanese swords for martial arts

Martial arts traditional concept is related to combat systems with and without guns, techniques that were developed in some regions from Asia for an estimated period of 1600 years (about 400 BC).  In these combat systems, there is a …

Chinese Swords


Chinese swords productions is documented  since Bronze Age in the Shang Dinasty. Chinese swords have as fundamental goal traditional Chinese martial arts, such as Kung Fu and Tai Chi. Chinese swords might be classified according to their morphology and their …

Sword Henry V Of England

Espada funcional Henry V - Sword Henry V Of England

Henry V of England was born at Monmouth Castle on September 16, 1387. He was the second son of Henry IV and Mary de Bohun and thus Prince of Wales and heir to the English throne. From the beginning …

Most Famous Swords of History

Falcata Ibérica Plata - Most Famous Swords of History

It´s not easy to write an article about the most famous swords in History because when we choose some of them, we are leaving apart others with a big importance too. But we are going to try it, with …

Different kind of Rapiers Swords

Espada Rapiera Marto - Different kind of Rapiers Swords

The Rapier has a long and straight blade; It’s born in the Renaissance and it was used as an accessory for the clothes, that’s why in Spanish the name is “ropera”, as the word “ropa” means clothes. It was …