Sale of swords, katanas, sabers, medieval clothing and decoration
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Gather the whole crew! One Piece themed sale. Hello, pirates and sea warriors! If you are a true One Piece fan, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, I bring you all the information about our One …
Dragon Ball Merchandise: Discover the Most Coveted Products from the Anime! Dragon Ball anime merchandising includes t-shirts, action figures, keychains, and posters. If you’re a Dragon Ball enthusiast, you’ll be delighted to know that there is a wide range …
The Best Swords from The Legend of Zelda for your Collection If you are a fan of The Legend of Zelda video game series, you will surely want to have the iconic swords that have marked Link’s history in …
Sword Art Online: Discover the best anime merchandise products! Imagine having the best Sword Art Online items in your hands! If you are a true SAO fan, this is the perfect place for you! Here you will find a …
The parts of a katana begin from the tip, with the Kojiri and continue with the saya, kurikata, sageo, seppa, koiguchi, tsuba, mekugi, fuchi, tsuka, ito, kashira … The origin of the Japanese katana goes back to the X-XII centuries. …
The Iaido technique involves unsheathe, cut, clean the blood of the blade and sheath, from different positions; this is what we may call as fundamental movements of iai. Iai means unity of being or unity of minds in the …
Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art. It is considered elegant and refined in the world of the martial arts. The kendo, or Japanese fencing, arose from the natural evolution of the techniques of using the sword. Those practicing …
The history of the Japanese sword is so ancient that its traces lead us to the “Era of the Gods”, which precedes the written history of Japan. The use of the bokken came much later, between 1336-1600, in a …
Swords of Toledo (Spain) are weapons of one or two edges and basically a straight blade cutting, stabbing, or both; it has a handle of a certain size or brand and the lenght of the sword is from half …
The armorer of the Czech Republic, Jiri Krondak, manufactures battle-ready swords with different finishes and features. Something common in all of them, is the strength and durability that characterize them. If we go back to medieval times and analyze …