Amazon Prime Video has announced El Cid series premier for the end of 2020. This superproduction film has broken many records during the filming. More than 200 film professionals worked at El Cid series and more than 11.000 extras took part. Spanish cities as Soria, Burgos, Albarracín (Teruel) or The Palace of the Aljafería, in Zaragoza (Spain), are some of the film locations.
In the series trailer, we have realized that Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (played by Jaime Lorente) holds Joyouse Sword. After 15 years selling swords, in Medieval Shop we can say this sword belonged to Carlomagno.
Anyway, historians have always connected El Cid Campeador to Tizona Sword and Colada Sword. El Cid snatched both of them as during the battles against his enemies. This series narrates Rodrigo’s Díaz de Vivar history in his beginnings and the film production team had give the actor a comfortable sword, but…
Who would think series production team would give Carlomagno’s Sword to El Cid?
We are talking about a superproduction series with a large budget. It was a marketing planned action or it was just a real anachronism?
Aside from this controversy, we think El Cid series is not going to show neither the Tizona Sword nor the Colada Sword during this first season. Probably, El Cid series followers will miss the appearance of both swords. Besides, we do not know if this series will have a second season, because it depends on first season success.

Anyway, we are delighted with Medieval series produced in Spain. It is a wake-up call for the audiovisual industry during this fateful year, protagonized by the COVID-19.