The name means FALCON. Son of the beautiful Lady of the Lake, the grat druid Hafgan, where from Merlin learnt all his magic, told that The Great Sir of the Light would born. He learnt to be a great warrior of his granfather and defensor of the empire. He converts to Merlin the Warrior, druid and loyal counselor of Uther, supreme monarch of Britain.
When Uther passed away without any heirs, Merlin driven the Excalibur sword in a hard rock, and shout to the people:
“The person who can extract the sword from the rock will be the next King of England”
Merlin took the charge of the Arthur’s education, illegitimate Uther’s son, teaching him all the arts that would need to be a good monarch and hiding him until the moment of the extraction of the Excalibur sword from the rock and he would be the next King of England.
When in the Britain was finally in peace, Merlin retired to his dwelling.
“Now you can keep reign without my suggestions, keep being a loyal King and in the future the people will talk about you”.
Merlin was a welsh wizard that probably lived in the VI century, and he was one of the leading figures of the Arthur legend. Another theory is that the word “Merlin” it’s like a title, like the druid title. He’s the most famous wizard of the European history, and ispiring for a lot of other wizards of the literature.
According with the breton specialist Jean Markale, Merlin was a versatile figure, that personify different archetypes of the mythical celtic’s world; like the druid, the bard, the wild man, the prophet and the shaman.