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Bowie Knife

Bowie Knife Mick Crocodile Dundee Damascus Steel - Bowie Knife

The Bowie knife was used in the borders of the US at the middle of the XVIII century, and it’s a defense, rustic hunting knife. It is quite large and the handle is not cylindric. Its name comes from …

Two Handed Swords

Mandoble Héroe de Guerra empuñadura 1 - Two Handed Swords

The two handed swords are those sabres or swords whose handle has enough lenght to be covered with both hands. The two-handed sword was a weapon of the infantry, skilled and effective to fight pikes, halberds and spears. It …

Parts of the katana

Katana Bushido - Parts of the katana

The parts of a katana begin from the tip, with the Kojiri and continue with the saya, kurikata, sageo, seppa, koiguchi, tsuba, mekugi, fuchi, tsuka, ito, kashira … The origin of the Japanese katana goes back to the X-XII centuries. …

The Naruto Kunais

Pareja de Kunais para practicar Kung Fu - The Naruto Kunais

The kunai blade was a popular ninja weapon, it could be easily hidden and, because of their small size and effectiveness, could be removed quickly in combat. The kunai served several purposes, but primarily it was used as a …

The largest sword


The largest sword (also called Claymore) used by man in times of war, was a disproportionate sword and that to be tamed, a large force was needed. The handling of this sword, required no special technique. It is known …

Katanas to practice Iaido

Katana mantis religiosa Cass Hanwei - Katanas to practice Iaido

The Iaido technique involves unsheathe, cut, clean the blood of the blade and sheath, from different positions; this is what we may call as fundamental movements of iai. Iai means unity of being or unity of minds in the …

Katanas for combat Kendo

Wooden bokken for practices - Katanas for combat Kendo

Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art. It is considered elegant and refined in the world of the martial arts. The kendo, or Japanese fencing, arose from the natural evolution of the techniques of using the sword. Those practicing …

Spanish Tizona Sword, XVII Century

Espada Tizona El Cid Lujo - Spanish Tizona Sword, XVII Century

During the fifteenth century chainmail is gradually replaced by plate armor, and swords, that their main strength was cut, are losing ground against the swords that are used only for thrusting. This leads to the appearance of different models …

Arwen Sword, the Lord of the Ring

121 450x112 1 - Arwen Sword, the Lord of the Ring

Arwen Undómiel is a fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium. She appears in his novel, The Lord of the Rings, usually published in three volumes. Arwen is one of the Half-elven who lived during the Third Age. Arwen first …

The bokken – Japanese training sword

Bokken para entrenamiento COLD STEEL - The bokken - Japanese training sword

The history of the Japanese sword is so ancient that its traces lead us to the “Era of the Gods”, which precedes the written history of Japan. The use of the bokken came much later, between 1336-1600, in a …

Mythical Chinese Swords

ESPADA CHINA DINASTIA HAN - Mythical Chinese Swords

Traditional martial arts still preserve old movements, practiced with swords and variety of weapons essential in the battlefield. Weapons are classified according to the characteristics and use were given. However, the most popular not only in China but throughout …

The Western Revolver

Flintlock pistol XVIII century - The Western Revolver

The revolver is the type of gun characterized by carrying ammunition, disposed in a more commonly known as barrel drum. The difference with the handgun is that the latter carries the ammunition in a charger. The first revolver was …

Toledo Swords

Sword of Don Quixote - Toledo Swords

Swords of Toledo (Spain) are weapons of one or two edges and basically a straight blade cutting, stabbing, or both; it has a handle of a certain size or brand and the lenght of the sword is from half …

Roman Swords

Gladius Mainz Condor - Roman Swords

The Roman Gladius sword is a typical sword from ancient Rome, used by the Legions. It had a lenght of about 2 feet (though they could be customized) and a straight, double-edged blade. The romans were very handy at …

Medieval Shields

Crusader Shield - Medieval Shields

The shield is a defensive weapon for protection against offensive weapons. The medieval shields are part of the wartime history of all time. The Byzantines used the oval cut shield mainly; the Normans used an almond-shaped shield, with edged …

Types of J.K. training swords

Espada Escocesa canasta funcional Jiri Krondak - Types of J.K. training swords

The armorer of the Czech Republic, Jiri Krondak, manufactures battle-ready swords with different finishes and features. Something common in all of them, is the strength and durability that characterize them. If we go back to medieval times and analyze …

Genghis Khan’s Sword

Genghis Khans Sword - Genghis Khan's Sword

Temuyín, also known later as Genghis Khan was born on 31st May 1162 in Dulun-Boldaq, Burjan Jaldun Mount, in Mongolia and he died on 25th August 1227, in the Tangut Empire.  He became leader of Mongolia and thanks to …

Medieval Combat Worldwide Championship 2016-IMCF

combatiente medieval 2023 - Medieval Combat Worldwide Championship 2016-IMCF

This year, the spectacular sprt known as Medieval Fight full combat will take place in Montemor-o-Velho, in Portugal, from 26th to 29th May. IMCF, International Medieval Combat Federation is dedicated to the spread of medieval combat sports, with more …