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Most Famous Swords of History

Falcata Ibérica Plata - Most Famous Swords of History

It´s not easy to write an article about the most famous swords in History because when we choose some of them, we are leaving apart others with a big importance too. But we are going to try it, with …

Old Firearms Replicas

Expositors Guns - Old Firearms Replicas

Old firearms are not functional, but a nice decorative element indeed, specially thoughts for collectors of these precious historical items. We found varied and beautiful models incredibly true to the originals. Among those old firearms copies we can see …

Different kind of Rapiers Swords

Espada Rapiera Marto - Different kind of Rapiers Swords

The Rapier has a long and straight blade; It’s born in the Renaissance and it was used as an accessory for the clothes, that’s why in Spanish the name is “ropera”, as the word “ropa” means clothes. It was …

Functional swords for medieval recreations

Espada Arquero Templaria de luxe - Functional swords for medieval recreations

Swords with the carbon steel blade and full tang are more resistent for the recreations fights. These are just only some of the characteristics that a battle ready sword must to have. One of the evident differeces between a …

Decorative Winchester rifles

Rifle 73 Winchester. US 1873 - Decorative Winchester rifles

The Winchester rifles are all the rifles with a lever action made by the American company Winchester Repeating Arms Company. The most famous are the Winchester 1873 and the 1894 versions. The company made nine different models. Say “Winchester” …

The Nordic Sword

Espada Vikinga Leuterit funcional siglo X - The Nordic Sword

Viking swords are well-known for its unique design. We could claim they are easily recognizable.  It is definitely complicated,  to know the reasons behind the appearance of Vikings at the end of VIIIth century.  The overpopulation in their lands, is …

Most famous sabres

German hunting saber year 1600 - Most famous sabres

There are a lot of known and famous sabres, historic and legendary, so it’s not simple to explain the most importants. We’re going to try to make a list of the most famous sabres, even if we know that …

Merlin’s Sword

Espada Merlin Marto - Merlin's Sword

The name means FALCON. Son of the beautiful Lady of the Lake, the grat druid Hafgan, where from Merlin learnt all his magic, told that The Great Sir of the Light would born. He learnt to be a great …

Functional Shields, Targes and Bucklers

Crusader Shield - Functional Shields, Targes and Bucklers

Shield is the most ancient active defense´s  weapon to get protection from enemy´s weapons or to launch an attack. It is known, at least, since the Sumerian Age (IIIrd millenium BC) ant it will be used in Western world …

Functional and decorative medieval axes

Functional Axe Violet Le Duc - Functional and decorative medieval axes

Axe is a tool used by prehistorical men since the Neolithic, as a weapon for hunting and war battles; lately it was also used by vikings, normands, romans, amerindians, english and french people… We must classify as undoubtedly remarkable,hammer …

What’s Medieval Full Contact Combat

MEDIEVAL FULL CONTCT COMBAT - What's Medieval Full Contact Combat

Medieval Full Contact or Medieval Combat is a contact and fight sport, with an strong historic trace. This discipline has its origins in Eastern Europe and progressively has been extended to the rest of the world. Participants use edgless …

Japanese Nodachi

Nodachi látex - Japanese Nodachi

A Nodachi has the same design and aspect of a Tachi, but is quite longer. It was used by the infantry and it was designed for the battle against the cavalry and in open spaces, because its longness in …

Vatican´s Secret Archives Revelations about the Templars

ESPADA TEMPLARIA SERIE ESPECIAL - Vatican´s Secret Archives Revelations about the Templars

The Templar Knights Order was one of the most important and powerful that emerged during the Crusades. Founded in 1118 with the purpose of defending the holy places of Muslim forces tried to reclaim them. The Templar Knights came to be in …

Handicrafts from Toledo

Breastplate with Eagle Toledo chiseled e1470755333225 - Handicrafts from Toledo

Whatever is classic is always in style, and that is why Toledo and its handicrafts are always stylish. Toledo is imperial due to its cultural heritage, and an essential part of this heritage are its artisans, masters of the …

Different kind of fencing foils

Fioretto Lamina Castaneta - Different kind of fencing foils

A foil is one of the three weapons used in fencing,  with the epee and the sabre, all of them made of metal. In fencing, the foil player is considered the most skilful, because the foil is the most …

Movie Swords

High Elf Sword Hobbit - Movie Swords

They are part of fantastic swords, of these weapons designed only for the movies and converted in legends and official products well known by the collectors and geeks. We’re talking about the movie swords, such as Conan, where Arnold …

Different kind of gladiator and their weapons

Casque Du Gladiateur Crixus - Different kind of gladiator and their weapons

The gladiator was a person fighting against animals or warriors in the Ancient Rome. The roman gladiators were known for their way to fight and their clothing. There were different ranks also for the people who were going to …